Skin Treatments
Facial skin is especially fine and the most visible part of the body, there are 4 main types of skin:
- Normal
- Dry
- Greasy
- Mixed
Like the rest of the skin, that of the face plays an important role as a barrier against the external environment. Different alterations can develop in the facial skin such as acne, rosacea, warts ...
Acne: It is a skin disorder that occurs when the hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. It is caused by bacteria.
Rosacea skin: It is a chronic inflammatory pathology of the skin, it is an inflammatory disorder that causes skin rash, couperose, telangiectasia, burning sensation, pustules ... Among its symptoms, the redness of the face, slight swelling, the appearance of pimples stand out. .. Also reddish and thin lines under the skin due to the dilation of the blood vessels.
Warts: They are raised formations on the skin with different shapes and consistencies, they originate from the infection of a virus. They can cause secondary discomfort and injury if they rub against clothing or other objects. They are spread by direct contact with another infected person or by objects used by someone with warts.